The Aetheist Ten
Q1. How would you define “atheism”?
Atheism is the philosophy that there are no gods, higher powers, etc. I don’t really like to say that is the Belief in Non-Belief but I have heard it said that way.
Q2. Was your upbringing religious? If so, what tradition?
No although my mother says they have always been Christian. I had a book on Greek mythology and a book of Bible stories. I didn’t think any of it was trying to be fact. We never worshiped, went to church, prayed. None of it
Q3. How would you describe “Intelligent Design”, using only one word?
Q4. What scientific endeavor really excites you?
Stem cell research, cloning,
all the really cutting edge medical technology going on, it’s amazing.
Q5. If you could change one thing about the “atheist community”, what would it be and why?
I wish there was a thing as an atheist community. I wish we were “out” more. I don’t tell many people casually that I don’t believe in God, it scares them and changes their opinion of me.
I do not want to offend people. I know how afraid they are, of what they do not know.
Q6. If your child came up to you and said “I’m joining the clergy”, what would be your first response?
I would try to talk her out of it. I would like to think I would keep an open mind, but I may not be able too.
Q7. What’s your favorite theistic argument, and how do you usually refute it?
My favorite Theist argument is the on where the theist is saying that they could NOT have done something without God or the help of God. Their prayers were answered!
Example, I prayed and with the Lord’s help I was cured of cancer.
Great next time pray the world is cured
I fight on the side of coincidence. I argue the strength and power of the human mind. There is no argument the Theist can say that makes as much actual sense. It’s beautiful when argued correctly.
Q8. What’s your most “controversial” (as far as general attitudes amongst other atheists goes) viewpoint?
I am not very controversial other than I do not believe in God. Corruption lies war all components of the Catholic Church
I know everyone has heard the saying: I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” (Stephen F. Roberts) Sometime I get in trouble for pointing this out. If someone says they are “faithful” I ask if they are Muslim or Buddhist when they say “No, No Christian, there is only one God”, I let them know they are just in a club. It’s not very neighborly of me.
Q9. Of the “Four Horsemen” (Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens and Harris) who is your favorite, and why?
I read Sam Harris a lot. I read that website “Why wont God heal Amputees?” all the time.
Q10. If you could convince just one theistic person to abandon their beliefs, who would it be?
Maybe my Mom, even though it is a small scale I think she would understand a lot more things I think she could get over my daughters disability. I think so many of her hang ups come form this desperate need for God.